Lightbox: Issue 595

SURFER: HARRY BRYANTPHOTO: DUNCAN MACFARLANEAlthough photographer, Duncan Macfarlane, had been on a couple of trips to South Africa before, it was his first time in J-Bay. Travel-ling with Creed McTaggart and Jai Glinde-man, Dunc was posted up in a unit, a street back from the fabled point. Fortunately, the lodging’s over-sized deck delivered a full … Read more

LAHAINA, NOW & THEN: Issue 595

Former capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Lahaina, Maui was levelled by fire in August 2023. The wreckage exposes issues of political corruption and environmental degradation. The surf community’s support for an area anchored in Maui surf culture pulses through it all.

Kandui Resort Interstitial