When John Witzig, Albe Falzon and David Elfick collaborated to produce the first issue of Tracks in October of 1970 they felt the restless hum of surfers who craved a sharp, entertaining, and bold take on the counter culture movement they sensed they were a part of. Half a century later Tracks is still delivering a unique take on the essence of what it means to lead a lifestyle that centres around surfing. At some point along the way almost every Australian surfer absorbed Tracks into their DNA. Even if they didn’t keep reading the spirit of the title stayed with them.

As a creative force, the title has taken surfers to exotic corners of the globe, helped usher in major social change, and made readers laugh out loud; all the while chartering the evolution of surfing as both a vibrant subculture and a professional sport. Tracks is not merely a surfing magazine it’s part of the fabric of the Australian identity.

Figuring out how to celebrate 50 years was no easy task, given the scope of what has transpired in surfing over that time frame, but we are confident we have produced an issue that certainly does justice to the spirit of Tracks. Curated as a subtle blend of past and present glories, the issue should let you dip into a sweet sense of nostalgia while also tapping into surfing’s zeitgeist. In a year where the world has been in the shadow of a COVID curse Tracks’ 50th year is certainly something worth celebrating. Get your hands on a piece of history that will make you smile. And yes, Captain Goodvibes does make a comeback!