Receiving Tracks via the post is a rare pleasure. A tome of surfing treasures hand-delivered to your doorstep. Your own sealed copy, untouched and untarnished, waiting to be cracked open and devoured cover to cover. It’s like knowing the next set wave on a magic day is all yours. The anticipation is part of the fun. Click to subscribe

While forced to hibernate and cull your surf time, you will need a salt-infused fix. Tracks is still dialled into the world’s best surfers and our wandering correspondents put in plenty of travel miles before Covid-19 closed out travel plans.

Our upcoming issues are jammed with compelling surfer profiles, riveting travel tales, insightful commentary on surf culture, and craft discussion. Plus, we always sift through the best photo submissions from around the world to ensure only the most glorious images grace our pages.

Tracks is also celebrating its 50th year. Signing up for a subscription means you become part of that history. Click to subscribe