‘Great Ocean Love’ is part documentary, part road trippin’ surf flick that follows Belinda Baggs, Linley Hurrell, and Lilly Pollard on a journey along the rugged coastline of the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. At its core, ‘Great Ocean Love’ is a tribute to the ‘saltwater women of the deep south’ who share an unwavering love for the pristine coastline we call home. Through their stories and experiences, the film showcases the profound impact the ocean has on their daily lives and the vital role it plays in their wellbeing.
Director, Ella Bourne, speaks to the deep connection between local women and the ocean. “As a team, we wanted to highlight how the ocean impacts the lives of local women daily and why this pristine stretch of coastline needs to be protected not just for the sake of it looking pretty but for the wellbeing of the humans who call the Great Ocean Road home. Rather than take an aggressive approach, shoving seismic blasting in your face, we wanted to share stories of locals from different backgrounds on how they engage with the ocean, hoping that a shared love for the area communicated from local voices might help save the day.”
‘Great Ocean Love’ really argues that raising awareness through fear tactics alone isn’t enough if we want to protect the ocean for future generations. We must rekindle humanity’s love affair with the ocean. We know that loving nature isn’t about the way you vote or brands you wear. It’s just a feeling that all of us have deep down, guys, girls and everyone else who enjoys the ocean.
Click the link above to watch.